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Curry Leaves  or (Karapincha) is a dry version of the curry leaves thogayal. It can be stored for a much longer period and it is easy to carry when you are travelling.It is easy and simple to make and it can be used as an alternative to 'dosai milagai podi' so you can have it as an accompaniment for idlis and dosas along with some gingelly oil.
Curry Leaves has enormous benefits and its iron content helps ladies overcome their menstrual problems too.So it is advised to include lot of curry leaves in our diet and when it is consumed like a thogayal or (Karapincha) you do not throw away the leaves like we do when it is put in sambar or other dishes.

Package Details :

Seal pack With Dry  Curry Leaves 25g/50g/100g/200g.

Top 12 Health Benefits of Curry Leaves-

Curry leaves. The leaves contain high amount of nutrients. It helps in improving the health of skin, heart and hair. Curry leaves prevent anemia due to its iron content. The leaves help in fighting diabetes by controlling the blood sugar. It is very good for obese people as it helps in weight loss. It decreases the cholesterol levels so it is very good for heart patients. Curry leaves prevent hair fall, early aging, liver damage and kidney diseases. It cures chest congestion and diarrhea. Eating curry leaves along with honey helps in curing indigestion. The top 12 health benefits of curry leaves are as follows.

Curry leaves possess the qualities of a herbal tonic. They strengthen the functions of stomach and promote its action. They are also used as a mild laxative. The leaves may be taken mixed with other mild tasting herbs. The juice extracted from 15 grams of leaves may be taken with buttermilk.

Digestive Disorders-

Fresh juice of curry leaves, with lime juice and sugar, is an effective medicine in the treatment of morning sickness, nausea and vomiting due to indigestion and excessive use of fats. One or two teaspoons of juice of these leaves mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice may be taken in these conditions. The curry leaves, ground to a fine paste and mixed with buttermilk, can also be taken on an empty stomach with beneficial results in case of stomach upsets.

Tender curry leaves are useful in diarrhoea, dysentery and piles. They should be taken, mixed with honey. The bark of the tree is also useful in bilious vomiting. A teaspoon of the powder or the decoction of the dry bark should be given with cold water in this condition.

Kidney Disorders-

The root of the curry plant also has medicinal properties. The juice of the root can be taken to relieve pain associated with the kidneys.

Premature Greying of Hair-

Liberal intake of curry leaves is considered beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair. These leaves have the property to nourish the hair roots. New hair roots that grow are healthier with normal pigment. The leaves can be used in the form of chutney or the juice may be squeezed and taken in buttermilk or lassi.

Burns and Bruises-

Curry leaves can be effectively used to treat burns, bruises and skin eruptions. They should be applied as a poultice over the affected areas.

Eye Disorders-

Fresh juice of curry leaves suffused in the eyes. makes them look bright. It also prevents the early development of cataract.

Insect Bites-

Fruits of the tree, which are berries, are edible. They are green when raw, but purple when ripe. Juice of these berries, mixed with equal proportion of lime-juice, is an effective fluid for external application in insect stings and bites of poisonous creatures.

Other Uses and benefits of Curry Leaves-

Hair Tonic: When the leaves are boiled in coconut oil till they are reduced to a blackened residue, the oil forms an excellent hair tonic to stimulate hair growth and in retaining the natural pigmentation.

Curry leaves have been used for centuries in South India as a natural flavouring agent in samber, rasam and curries. Chutney can be made by .mixing the leaves with coriander leaves, coconut scrapings and tomatoes.

The leaves, bark and the root of the curry plant are used in indigenous medicine as a tonic, stimulant and antiflatulent.

1. Curry leaves for premature greying hair:

2. Curry leaves for hair growth & dandruff :

3. Curry leaves for acne:

4. Curry leaves face pack:

5. Curry leaves for indigestion:

6. Curry leaves for diabetes:

Regular consumption of curry leaves has proven to lower blood sugar levels. It is a good idea for diabetic patients to include curry leaves in the diet. Make a curry leaf powder and try to include it in the diet everyday. Another good idea for consuming curry leaves is by mixing the powder with buttermilk and salt.

7. Curry leaves for weight loss:

I know many of you will be surprised that curry leaf helps in weight loss. But like most of the herbs, it regulates the digestive system, if consumed regularly. A good functioning of digestive system is the key to effortless weight loss naturally.

8. Curry leaves for anemia:

Many of you must have been advised by elders when you were young like me, to include curry leaves to prevent anemia. Curry leaves is rich source of iron that is easily absorbed by the body. 100gm of curry leaves has around .930 mg of iron, it is also rich in calcium and other essential vitamins to keep our body healthy. A relative of mine suggested this method of taking curry leaves daily to get good relief from anemia. Everyday soak a handful of curry leaves and a tsp of methiseeds in little bit of fresh yogurt for 1/2 an hour and have it in the early morning. She said she could see a good difference after regularly consuming this mixture. Make sure that the curd is not sour.

9. Curry leaves for cholesterol:

A study conducted on the effects of curry leaves on our health has proved that it is very effective in reducing the cholesterol and thus protects us from heart disease. Instead of eating curry leaves after we get the disease, it is best done as a preventive measure.

10. Curry leaves for cooking:

I have never ever cooked without curry leaves. I love the smell and taste it brings to dishes and gravies. To get the maximum flavor, try to add it while seasoning, so that it releases it’s wonderful aroma. For certain gravies and rasam, it is added at the end too. Encourage young children to eat the gravies along with curry leaves.Once they develop the habit of eating the curry leaves when they are young, they will continue to do it all their life.

Organic CURRY LEAVES Dried Ceylon Curry Leaves

Preisab $3.00

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